By planting a variety of flowers that hummingbirds love, you can create a haven that not only attracts these delightful creatures but also adds color and beauty to your landscape.

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Bee Balm Monarda didyma Bee balm is a summer-blooming perennial that is sure to make a bold statement in your landscape. While red is the most common color

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Garden phlox Garden phlox produces clusters of sweetly fragrant pink, red, lavender, or white flowers in summer, making it a favorite of hummingbirds.

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Lupines  Lupines offer colorful spires of blooms in early and mid-summer and are enjoyed by hummingbirds even when not flowering.

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Red-Hot Poker This hummingbird favorite features tall spikes of scarlet, yellow, white, and orange tubular flowers, adding an impressive display to any garden. Clip spent flowers to promote rebloom.

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Hollyhocks are renowned for their tall spikes of single or double flowers in a wide range of colors, from purple-black to red, yellow, pink, or white, all of which attract hummingbirds.

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Wild columbine's cheery red-and-yellow blooms are a favorite of hummingbirds and prefer afternoon shade in hot and humid summers.

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Coralbells offer mounds of attractive foliage and clusters of red, pink, white, or green flowers dangling off long narrow stems

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Trumpet honeysuckle blooms through summer and autumn with clusters of scarlet-red tubular flowers, offering a beautiful contrast against its dark green foliage.

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