Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

By avoiding these common mistakes and following expert advice, you can ensure that your houseplants thrive and bring beauty and joy to your home.

To help you maintain a flourishing indoor garden, we'll discuss the most prevalent houseplant care errors and provide expert advice on how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Overwatering Overwatering ranks as the top mistake made by houseplant owners. People often overwater their plants as a means of showing affection, but this can lead to root rot and other issues.

Mistake 2: Incorrect Light Exposure Providing the wrong amount of light is another common mistake. Before bringing a plant into your home, consider the available light

Mistake 3: Over-Fertilizing Many plant owners mistakenly believe that more fertilizer leads to better growth. However, excessive fertilization can burn the plant's roots.

Mistake 4: Allowing Plants to Become Rootbound Some believe that plants thrive when rootbound, but this is a misconception. While plants can tolerate being rootbound, it's not optimal for their health.

Mistake 5: Using the Wrong Potting Mix Choosing the right potting mix is crucial for your plant's health. Avoid using coarse mixes with large particles, as they can lead to rapid drying of the soil.

Mistake 6: Not Considering Your Plant's Needs Before purchasing a plant, consider your own temperament and lifestyle. Some plants require frequent attention and care, while others are more low-maintenance.