Kiwi, scientifically known as Actinidia deliciosa, hails from the mountainous landscapes of Chang Kiang valley in northern China. This petite fruit, also dubbed Mihoutau, Macaque peach, and Chinese gooseberry, boasts a brown peel and vibrant green flesh, adorned with edible black seeds.

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Delving into the nutritional realm, raw kiwi fruit packs a punch of essential elements per 100g: – Energy: 61 kcal – Protein: 1.14 g – Total lipid (fat): 0.52 g – Calcium: 34 mg – Iron: 0.31 mg

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– Magnesium: 17 mg – Phosphorus: 34 mg – Potassium: 312 mg – Sodium: 3 mg – Zinc: 0.14 mg – Copper: 0.13 mg – ... and an array of vitamins including A, E, K, and an impressive 92.7 mg of Vitamin C.

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Kiwi unveils a plethora of potential properties: – Anti-inflammatory – Anti-diabetic – Anti-hypertensive – Diuretic – Anti-hepatotoxic – Mild laxative – Antioxidant

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– Anti-tumour – Anti-cancer – Anti-asthmatic – Anti-nociceptive – Anti-atherosclerotic – ... and the list continues. Studies indicate that kiwifruit extract, housing the enzyme actinidin, adeptly digests proteins in various foods, showcasing its digestive prowess.

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For Heart Health: Kiwi, laden with potassium, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, may contribute to reducing cholesterol levels and regulating heart rate. The amalgamation of folate, vitamin E, and magnesium hints at potential benefits for heart disease.

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For Hair Care: Vitamins C and E in kiwi, alongside minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, may foster blood circulation, promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall.

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For Cancer: Antioxidants, vitamins, carotenoids, and fibers within kiwi may aid in cancer healing. Studies hint at potential roles in reducing the risk of colon, lung, and prostate cancers.

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For High Blood Pressure and Diabetes: High potassium content in kiwi may counteract the effects of sodium, potentially regulating blood pressure. Additionally, its fiber-rich composition might assist in managing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

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For Skin Health: Kiwi, a vitamin C powerhouse, acts as an antioxidant, potentially countering sun damage, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing skin texture. Vitamin E contributes to skin softness and moisture.

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