The Magnolia Tree: A Southern Favorite Plant Attributes:Common Names: Magnolia, saucer magnolia, tulip magnolia, Southern magnolia – Botanical Name: Magnolia – Family: Magnoliaceae – Plant Type: Tree and shrub

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Mature Size: 20-80 ft. tall, 20-40 ft. wide – Sun Exposure: Full, partial – Soil Type: Moist but well-drained – Soil pH: Acidic, neutral, alkaline

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Bloom Time: Spring, summer – Flower Color: Pink, white, yellow, purple – Hardiness Zones: 4-10 (USDA) – Native Area: North America, Asia

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Planting and Growing Magnolia Trees – Pick a planting site carefully as magnolias are hard to move once established. – Provide well-drained, neutral to slightly acidic soil.

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– Magnolias never look their best when crowded, so give them plenty of space to thrive.

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Magnolia Tree Care Tips Light: Magnolia varieties prefer full sun to light shade. In warmer or dry climates, they appreciate some shade in the afternoon.

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Soil: Magnolias grow best in moist, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. They can adapt to sandy, loamy, and clay soils but do not tolerate poor drainage well.

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Water: Once established, magnolias can be fairly drought-tolerant. Young trees need weekly watering until established.

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Temperature and Humidity: Magnolias prefer warm and humid climates. Some varieties do not tolerate heavy snow and ice well.

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Fertilizer: Use a slow-release, organic fertilizer for best results.

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