Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) Butterfly bush, also known as Buddleia, is a must-have for attracting butterflies and birds.

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Serviceberry (Amelanchier) Serviceberry is a small tree or large shrub that flowers early in the spring, providing nectar for early-hatching butterflies.

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Viburnums (Viburnum) Viburnums offer a wide variety of options for every garden. Some hybrids, like 'Dawn' and 'Juddii,' have highly fragrant flowers that attract butterflies.

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Milkweeds, Butterfly Weeds (Asclepias) Milkweed is essential for attracting monarch butterflies. The plant's leaves, stems, and flowers are food for monarch caterpillars.

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Coneflowers (Echinacea) Coneflowers are attractive garden perennials that bloom for an extended period. They grow well in dry conditions and are available in various shades, including orange, yellow, gold, and green.

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Joe-Pye Plant, Boneset (Eupatorium) Joe-Pye plant is a striking native perennial that thrives in damp areas. Its flat-topped heads of white or rose-pink.

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Sunflowers (Helianthus) Sunflowers not only attract butterflies and birds but also provide nourishment for humans. There are compact sunflower varieties suitable for small gardens or containers.

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Bee Balm (Monarda) Bee balm is a fragrant plant that attracts birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It produces brilliant red, magenta, purple, or pink flowers that spread into large clumps.

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Calendula, Pot Marigold Calendula is an easy-to-grow annual with daisy-like flowers in shades of cream, yellow, orange, and gold. It provides nectar for butterflies and seeds for songbirds.

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Lantana Lantana is a flowering annual that attracts various butterflies. Its flower heads consist of numerous small florets, and many varieties have multiple colors in each flower.

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