Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Proper pruning not only helps maintain the plant's appearance but also encourages healthier growth and can even lead to propagating new plants.

The term "Monstera" is often used interchangeably with "Swiss cheese plant," but it actually refers to a genus of over 50 different species.

Signs Your Monstera Needs Pruning Monstera plants can grow quite large, both in the wild and in indoor settings. As they grow, they tend to become leggy, with most of their leaves concentrated at the ends of their vines.

– Leggy growth: The plant appears top-heavy, with most of its leaves at the ends of long vines. – Bare stems: Older leaves drop off, leaving bare stems. – Unruly appearance: The plant looks untidy or overgrown.

When to Prune Your Monstera Pruning is best done during the plant's active growth phase, which typically occurs in the spring or summer months.

How to Prune Your Monstera Pruning your Monstera is a straightforward process, but it requires some care to ensure the best results.

1. Gather your tools: You'll need clean pruning shears and a pair of gardening gloves. 2. Inspect the plant: Look for dead leaves, broken vines, or any other unsightly foliage that needs to be removed.

3. Make clean cuts: Use sharp pruning shears to make firm, quick cuts. Avoid crushing or tearing the leaves and stems, as this can damage the plant.

4. Avoid contact with sap: Monstera plants, like other aroids, contain calcium oxalate crystals in their tissues, which can be irritating to the skin. Wear gloves and avoid contact with the sap.

5. Encourage new growth: If you want to maintain the height of your plant, prune the growth at the top of each vine just above an existing leaf node. This will encourage new growth from below the cut.

6. Consider a multi-level pruning approach: For smaller, younger plants, consider pruning vines at different levels to encourage a fuller appearance.

7. Propagate: As you prune your Monstera, you can use the cuttings to propagate new plants. Cuttings with at least one node can be rooted in water or soil to create new plants.