Flowering Quince Flowering quince shrubs are prized for their spring blooms. While they don't require frequent pruning, if your plants are overgrown, it's best to prune them after flowering has finished.

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Camelias Camellias are renowned for their colorful, fragrant flowers, making them a favorite in many gardens. Similar to azaleas and rhododendrons, camellias bloom on old wood. Pruning them too early can remove flower buds before they have a chance to open.

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Spring-Blooming Clematis While there are various types of clematis, it's crucial to know when to prune them. Late-blooming clematis can be pruned in early spring before their flower buds develop.

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Azaleas and Rhododendrons Azaleas and rhododendrons are cherished for their vibrant, showy flowers. These plants bloom exclusively on old wood, which means pruning them before they bloom removes flower buds, diminishing their blooming potential.

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Lilacs Lilacs are beloved for their fragrant clusters of flowers, but they, too, bloom exclusively on old wood. Pruning them in autumn or early spring can remove flower buds, leading to fewer blooms.

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Forsythia Forsythias are among the first plants to bloom after winter, offering a cheerful display of yellow flowers. Pruning them before they flower can remove flower buds, reducing their blooming potential.

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Some Hydrangeas Hydrangeas present a pruning challenge due to the variety of hydrangea types with different blooming habits. While panicle and smooth hydrangeas can be pruned in spring as they flower on new wood

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Spring-Flowering Spirea Like hydrangeas, spirea comes in many varieties, some of which bloom on old wood in spring. The bridal wreath spirea, for example, blooms on new wood in summer.

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Mock Orange Mock orange shrubs emit a delightful, citrus-like fragrance when in bloom. To ensure you don't miss out on their fragrant flowers, wait until late May to June to prune them.

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Honeysuckle Honeysuckle vines add charm to gardens with their fragrant blooms. Most honeysuckle varieties bloom in spring, so pruning them at this time can remove flowers.

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