In this guide, we'll explore seven of the best spring flowers to plant, along with tips on how to care for them so they can thrive and bring you joy season after season.

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Pansies and Violas Pansies and violas are beloved for their happy faces and vibrant colors, making them a must-have for any spring garden.

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Dianthus Dianthus is another great spring flower that thrives in cooler weather. With fragrant flowers in shades of pink, dianthus adds a delightful scent to your garden.

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Snapdragon Snapdragons are early bloomers that come in a variety of colors, making them a popular choice for spring gardens.

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Sweet Alyssum Sweet alyssum is an early-flowering annual that can be started from seed outdoors a few weeks before the last frost.

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Creeping Phlox Creeping phlox is a low-growing perennial that forms a colorful blanket of blooms in the spring. It comes in shades of pink, purple, blue, and white, and is stunning when planted in mass.

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Nemesia Nemesia is a prolific bloomer that provides months of color, making it perfect for containers and hanging baskets. The flowers resemble tiny snapdragons and come in a variety of vivid colors.

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Hellebore Hellebores, also known as Lenten roses, are a stunning perennial that blooms early in the spring.

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With their vibrant colors and easy care, they're sure to be a hit with both you and the local pollinators. So head to your local garden center and start planting for a beautiful spring garden!

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