Lettuces are typically divided into three main groups: loose-leaf, head, and romaine. They are also categorized by when they’re harvested: baby leaf, mini, or full-sized heads.
Best Loose-Leaf Lettuces: Loose-leaf lettuce types have an open, loose form, with tender leaves that can be harvested singly off the main stem.
– ‘Bauer’: This variety has sturdy leaves held relatively high off the ground, which might help your outdoor-grown lettuce stay cleaner.
– ‘Black Seeded Simpson’: Known for its mild flavor and appealing ruffled green leaves, this variety is an excellent and reliable early spring grower.
– ‘Red Sails’: An award-winning red leaf lettuce that makes an attractive contrast with other green salad ingredients.
Best Head Lettuces Head lettuces have leaves that grow closely together, forming a tight “head” that is typically harvested all at once.
– ‘Nancy’: A butterhead lettuce with thick leaves, a bright green color, and a dense heart.
– ‘Parris Island’: A romaine lettuce with sweet, mild leaves that can reach 12 inches long, perfect for making lettuce wraps.
Best Mini Head Lettuces Mini head lettuces are more compact and faster-maturing than regular head lettuce varieties, offering tender bundles of leaves that are just the right size for a single salad.
– ‘Kolibri’: An early maturing bibb variety (43 days) with speckled green leaves. It is less picky about soil moisture and has a beautiful shape.
Best Lettuces for Containers Even with limited space, you can enjoy a large harvest of lettuce. Choose containers at least 8 inches deep with good drainage
– ‘Mascara’: A red-tinged oakleaf lettuce that does best in cooler weather. It’s a cut-and-come-again loose-leaf type with a mild flavor.