Mistake No. 1: Planting Too Early Early spring is an exciting time for gardeners, but it's crucial to avoid planting tender crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers too soon.

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Mistake No. 2: Crowding Plants Together While some salad crops can thrive when planted close together, most vegetables need space to grow properly.

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Mistake No. 3: Watering Incorrectly Consistent watering is essential for a successful harvest. Most crops require about an inch of moisture per week.

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Mistake No. 4: Planting in the Shade Vegetables and herbs thrive in sunlight, requiring at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Even leafy crops like lettuce and spinach, which can tolerate partial shade, perform best in full sun.

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Mistake No. 5: Neglecting Soil Health Healthy soil is the foundation of a successful garden, especially for growing food crops. Vegetables are heavy feeders and require nutrient-rich soil to thrive..

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Mistake No. 6: Allowing Weeds to Flourish Weeds compete with your crops for nutrients and water, so it's essential to keep them in check. Mulching can help suppress weeds

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Mistake No. 7: Overplanting While it's tempting to plant a wide variety of vegetables, consider your family's preferences and garden space.

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Mistake No. 8: Underfeeding Your Crops Vegetables need nutrients to produce fruit, so it's important to feed them properly. Amend your soil with compost and use slow-release fertilizers according to label directions.

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Mistake No. 9: Lack of Support for Plants Some vegetables, like tomatoes, cucumbers, and pole beans, benefit from support structures to keep their fruit off the ground.

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Mistake No. 10: Ignoring Pest Problems Regular inspection of your plants can help you catch pest problems early. Remove any pests you find by hand and consider using biological controls if necessary.

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By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a healthy and productive vegetable garden that provides you with a bountiful harvest year after year.

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