Let's delve into the world of fruits that have gained a reputation for being the least favorite among many.

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Papaya Papaya, with its vibrant color and tropical origins, is a divisive fruit. Some find its taste intriguing, while others are put off by its peculiar flavor.

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Durian Durian, known as the "king of fruits" in Southeast Asia, is infamous for its strong smell, often likened to rotten onions or turpentine

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Grapefruit Grapefruit, with its tangy-sweet flavor, is a breakfast staple for some but a reviled fruit for others. Its bitterness, coupled with the laborious task of peeling and removing the pith, makes it a challenging fruit

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Banana Bananas are a polarizing fruit, loved by many for their convenience and potassium content, yet despised by others for their mushy texture.

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Mango Mangoes, with their sweet and tropical flavor, are adored by many, but their slippery texture can be off-putting to some.

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Tomatoes Tomatoes, often mistaken for vegetables, are a contentious fruit. While some enjoy the various types and flavors of tomatoes, others find their squishy texture and vegetal taste unappealing.

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Pears Pears, with their soft and juicy flesh, are a divisive fruit due to their grainy texture. Some find the texture reminiscent of eating gritty fruit, which can be a deterrent for those who prefer firmer fruits.

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