7 Plants to Avoid Planting Near Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a staple in many gardens, offering a bounty of juicy, sun-ripened fruits.

While they are relatively easy to grow, tomatoes can be particular about their growing conditions. One essential aspect of successful tomato cultivation is understanding companion planting.

While some plants can enhance tomato growth, others can hinder it. In this guide, we’ll explore the top anti-companion plants for tomatoes, helping you avoid common pitfalls and ensure a robust tomato harvest.

Understanding Anti-Companion Planting

Anti-companion plants are species that, when grown near tomatoes, can negatively impact their growth and yield.

These plants may compete for nutrients, attract pests that also harm tomatoes, or release chemicals that inhibit tomato growth.

By avoiding these plants in your tomato garden, you can promote healthier, more productive tomato plants.

1. Potatoes

Reason for Avoidance: Potatoes and tomatoes are both members of the nightshade family, sharing similar growing requirements and susceptibility to diseases and pests. Planting them together can increase the risk of disease and pest infestations in your garden.

Both tomatoes and potatoes are susceptible to similar diseases, such as early blight and late blight. Planting them together increases the risk of these diseases spreading and can diminish the yield and quality of both crops.

Mitigation: Plant potatoes and tomatoes apart from each other. Consider using buffer plants like marigolds or trap crops like nasturtiums to keep pests at bay.

2. Eggplant

Reason for Avoidance: Eggplants and tomatoes, both nightshades, should not be grown nearby. Eggplants are susceptible to early blight, a fungal disease that can transfer to tomatoes if grown nearby.

Mitigation: Plant eggplants away from tomatoes, and promptly remove any infected plants to prevent the spread of disease. Consider using climbing pole beans as a natural screen to separate the two plants.

3. Corn

Reason for Avoidance: Planting corn and tomatoes side by side can create a habitat for corn earworms, which can damage both crops.

Corn and tomatoes are both heavy feeders, meaning they require a lot of nutrients from the soil. Planting them together can lead to competition for resources, resulting in stunted growth and reduced yields for both crops.

Mitigation: Avoid planting corn and tomatoes next to each other. Use physical barriers or natural repellents to deter pests.

4. Cabbage & All Other Brassicas

Reason for Avoidance: Brassicas, including cabbage, kohlrabi, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and turnips, compete with tomatoes for nutrients, potentially reducing tomato yield.

Mitigation: Grow tomatoes away from brassicas to prevent nutrient competition. Ensure tomatoes have access to sufficient nutrients for optimal growth.

5. Dill

Reason for Avoidance: Mature dill plants can inhibit tomato growth by releasing chemicals that slow tomato growth, particularly when dill begins flowering.

Mitigation: Plant dill away from tomatoes, but consider incorporating it into your garden for its beneficial effects on other plants and its attraction to beneficial insects.

6. Fennel

Reason for Avoidance: Fennel is allelopathic, meaning it releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of surrounding plants, including tomatoes.

Fennel produces chemicals that can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including tomatoes. Planting fennel near tomatoes can stunt their growth and reduce their overall productivity.

Mitigation: Avoid planting fennel near tomatoes. Consider growing fennel in separate areas of your garden to avoid inhibiting the growth of other plants.

7. Walnut

Reason for Avoidance: Walnut trees are allelopathic and can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including tomatoes.

Mitigation: If you have a walnut tree near your garden, consider growing tomatoes in containers to avoid the negative effects of the tree’s allelopathic nature.

In conclusion, knowing which plants to avoid planting near tomatoes can help you achieve a bountiful harvest.

By steering clear of these anti-companion plants and implementing suitable mitigation strategies, you can ensure your tomatoes thrive and produce an abundant crop. Happy gardening!


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